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Jared Kushner next to fall: ivanka Trump regged her dad to stop investigation closing in on her husband.

to fall in the political game being played out right before the eyes of the world. According to Bloomberg,  is said to have been the person who gave the order to former national security adviser Michael Flynn to contact Russia. With Flynn pleading guilty on Friday, December 1, to telling lies to the FBI, it has become a precarious situation for the White House and members of the administration of President Donald Trump, especially the president’s son-in-law. Flynn previously told the FBI that he never instructed Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to Washington, to delay a vote. The lies coming to the forefront could take down those close to Trump, including his family.
According to Carl Bernstein, the legendary investigative journalist who worked as a reporter to blow open the Watergate scandal in 1972, for the Washington Post, Ivanka begged President Donald Trump to stop the investigations into any wrongdoings, as they loomed closer to her husband. Carl Bernstein told CNN on Friday that Ivanka literally pleaded with her father to do something about the investigations being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller, because those investigations were leading too close to home.
“Ivanka Trump went to her father and pleaded with him to do something because of these investigations closing in, in a family way.”

While Flynn cooperates with Mueller, as reported by CNN, the scuttlebutt straight from the White House, according to Carl, is that Trump and his family are growing more nervous as the circle closes in around them.

According to Bernstein, Trump has known about this for some time that his family is under investigation, including Donald Trump, Jr. Carl said that the implications of family surrounding the investigations make the matter all the more a subject that needs to be thoroughly researched, in terms of who Trump might pardon.

This has been about lying all along by Trump to the public, said Carl, and not yet even in a potential way that could be viewed as perjury in court. The investigation is very much about family, about Flynn and his son and the reason why he was willing to be flipped, said Bernstein. This means that Jared is at the center of what Mueller is looking it, according to Carl. There’s a dynamic that reporters need to view and put away the fake news edict once and for all, but also includes being fair to Trump, said Bernstein.

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