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President Trump go to church for the National Day of prayer

Melania sported a coat seen to be the color of robin's egg, and address that was pink, Trump waved as he and Melania left st. John's church in Washington D.c Trump had declared a National Day of prayer by signing a proclamation in recent days to focus on prayer for only persons who were affected By Hurricane Harvey.
According to the Washington post
President Trump and Melania arrived for church services at 10:30a.m. a Sunday The church is an Episcopal church from the 1800s, nearby the white House.
President Trump and Melania also attended services at the same church on the day Trump was inaugurated.
Whereas Melania chose brighter colors,
President Trump donned a dark suit with a tie that contained colors that complemented melania's pink dress and powder-blue coat. additional photos show president Trump speaking with Rev.D.Andrew olivo, with the publication reporting that Trump shook hands with others inside the church. President Trump urged, people to pray for the devastation experienced in the storm region.

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